September 27th, 2014 → 5:34 am
“Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well.” – King Lear
If you’re wondering where the last couple of posts went, they disappeared! Literally! We’re in the process of changing hosting services for this website and, well, things got a bit messed up this week. Hold tight till we know the new server is up and running correctly…
Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life
August 24th, 2014 → 6:17 am
“He has strangled
His language in his tears.” – Henry VIII
All kids cry. What differs, appears to be adults’ reaction to them. When my son cries I want to know what happened, what is wrong, what he is feeling and why. My husband wants him to just stop. I no longer try to figure out which one of us parents better – we simply parent differently oftentimes – but it is interesting how people can respond to such commonalities so very disparately.
Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life
August 11th, 2014 → 6:18 am
“Farewell, thou art too dear for my possessing,
And like enough thou knowest thy estimate.” – Sonnet 87
My boys leave today for a trip to visit the in-laws. I’m going to be rather lonely without them…
Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life
August 6th, 2014 → 5:51 am
“My thoughts are whirled like a potter’s wheel.” – Henry VI, Part I
The above quote is one of my favorites (I made sure to use it in my novel, Shakespeare’s Sister). And today, for me, it seems particularly apt I’m in the middle of an exciting research project and can’t stop thinking about comments I’ve received on it, the semester begins again soon and I have to start preparing for classes, my son is transitioning to a new classroom and his new teacher is on my mind as well. No wonder I keep waking up even earlier than usual in the mornings!
Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life
July 6th, 2014 → 7:11 am
“An ill-favoured thing, sir, but mine own.” – As You Like It
I love my house to death, but we’re thinking of selling it to move into a better school district for my son. Our real estate agent came by and pointed out all the things that are wrong with our house. *sigh* It was difficult to hear such criticism, however true!
Filed under: Blog & Other & Self/My Life
July 3rd, 2014 → 6:42 am
“The pleasing punishment that women bear.” – Comedy of Errors
Today we celebrate my son’s 4th birthday. We’ve got balloons to get, a cake to pick up, presents still to be wrapped. This is so exciting! And yet rather nerve-wracking too. Ah!
Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life
June 21st, 2014 → 7:45 pm
“I could endure anything before but a cat,
And now he’s cat to me.” – All’s Well That Ends Well
I don’t know how it happened. I honestly can’t believe it did happen. This morning I woke up completely unaware that anything like this could happen. We adopted a second cat today. After a morning spent picking raspberry’s at Lakeview Farms, I took my son with me to the vet for our current cat’s checkup. There were cats to be adopted there, and lo and behold, my son immediately became enamored of a cat named Stanley. Wouldn’t let it go. We came home and he convinced my husband – who had previously vowed NEVER to get another cat – that he and Stanley had to be together. Now, we have a new cat in the house! Welcome to the family, Stanley.
Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life
June 19th, 2014 → 5:51 am
“We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” – Hamlet
I spoke to an old friend for the first time in 10 years yesterday. Once, we were really quite close; now, it’s like we speak different languages. Strange how at one time we can think we really know ourselves and others, when in truth we have no conception how things (and people) can change.
Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life
June 3rd, 2014 → 5:51 am
“How he outruns the wind, and with what care
He cranks and crosses with a thousand doubles.” – Venus and Adonis
Summer is here, the weather is beautiful, and my child loves playing outdoors. There’s nothing like sitting on a park bench and watching him outrun the wind…
Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life
May 31st, 2014 → 6:50 am
“The glass of fashion and the mould of form.” – Hamlet
I went to my annual summer opera with my girlfriend Karen last night. We saw The Magic Flute and it was wonderful, but I couldn’t wait to get home and out of my dress. You know, all through my twenties and even my thirties I wore nice dresses and tight clothes without the aid of any so-called “equipment,” but when I hit forty I decided to buy some Spanx. Oh my god. Is that what corsets felt like??
Filed under: Blog & Literature/Theatre/Art & Self/My Life