That Elusive Ingredient in International Negotiations

July 16th, 2015 → 5:59 am

“What trust is in these times?”  – Henry IV, Part II

Trust – it’s the missing ingredient in the eurozone negotiations with Greece.  It never made much of an appearance in the nuclear negotiations with Iran.  I’ve read that the majority of spouses don’t trust their partners.  Whaa??  Has there always been this little trust in the world, and how did I miss it before now?

Filed under: Blog & Other & Politics/Politicians

Charleston Church Murders

June 24th, 2015 → 7:58 am

“Most sacrilegious Murther hath broke ope
The Lord’s anointed Temple, and stole thence
The life o’th’ building!”  – Macbeth

The horrific, racist, terrorist shootings in Charleston happened a few days ago, but I was out of town and unable to write about them then.  So I am writing now; they are still on the nation’s conscious anyhow and will be for a long time.  God bless all of our souls.

Filed under: Blog & Other

Kalief Browder

June 9th, 2015 → 5:57 am

“Life, being weary of these worldly bars,
Never lacks power to dismiss itself.”  – Julius Caesar

What a travesty of justice this poor man – boy – went through. I am so sad he chose to end his life, but I hope he has at last found peace.

Filed under: Blog & Other

Kim Kardashian

May 28th, 2015 → 6:16 am

“[S]he’s loved of the distracted multitude,
Who like not in their judgment, but their eyes.”  – Hamlet

Need I say more?

Filed under: Blog & Other

Graduation Celebration

May 23rd, 2015 → 5:08 am

“Caps, hands, and tongues applaud it to the clouds.” – Hamlet

It is graduation season right now; the university I am at just had their graduation ceremony a few days ago.  This quote from Hamlet literally means that caps are thrown in the air in celebration.  How apt to a graduation ceremony!  Congratulations to all the students out there who have worked so hard and earned their degree at last.

Filed under: Blog & Other

I Did Love You Once

May 16th, 2015 → 5:37 am

“I did love you once.” – Hamlet

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’m reading Hamlet right now with a discussion group.  I came across the above line yesterday, which Hamlet says to Ophelia not long after his “to be or not to be” speech; he says it almost as an after-thought after some other rambling thoughts.  When I read it, my heart just sank.  Isn’t that one of the saddest things a man can say to a woman?  Especially if you still have feelings for him?  It just broke my heart.  Poor Ophelia…  Poor Hamlet…

Filed under: Blog & Literature/Theatre/Art & Other


April 30th, 2015 → 5:47 am

“The storm is up, and all is on the hazard.” – Julius Caesar

This quote certainly applies to Baltimore right now, but in truth, it applies beyond Baltimore.  Ferguson, South Carolina, Cleveland, New York…the entire U.S. has a race problem and we need to admit and address it already.

Filed under: Blog & Other

Birthdays & Anniversaries

April 24th, 2015 → 5:35 am

“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.” – The Merchant of Venice

So many birthdays and anniversaries this week!  First, Shakespeare’s birthday is sometime around now (we aren’t sure of his exact birth day, but we know it’s on or near April 23).  Second, Earth Day was April 22.  Third, my anniversary with my husband was April 20 (steak and lobster dinner, here we come!).  Fourth, my mother’s wedding anniversary with her third husband was April 22 (not my most favorite anniversary, to be honest, but still, something to note).  Happy celebrating this week!

Filed under: Blog & Other

Passover & The Ten Plagues

April 5th, 2015 → 9:09 pm

“A plague upon the tyrant that I serve!” – The Tempest

This Shakespeare quote almost sounds like Moses could have said it himself.  To everyone celebrating Passover this week, Happy Pesach.  To everyone celebrating Easter, Happy Easter.  To everyone else, Be Happy.

Filed under: Blog & Other

Tall People Have No Reason To Live

April 1st, 2015 → 5:09 am

Did they have April Fool’s Day in Shakespeare’s time?  Probably not.  But here goes anyway:

Tall People Have No Reason To Live

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