November 19th, 2015 → 6:07 am
“Let the bird of loudest lay…
Herald sad and trumpet be,
To whose sound chaste wings obey.” – The Phoenix and the Turtle
It took me a long time (too long?), but I finally joined Twitter yesterday. I certainly won’t be the bird of loudest lay (lay=song or voice), and I sure hope I won’t be heralding everyone to a funeral (which is what is happening in this less-well-known poem of Shakespeare’s), but I do hope to have something to contribute, and soon. So stay tuned.
November 15th, 2015 → 12:54 pm
“Death lies on her like an untimely frost
Upon the sweetest flower of all the field.” – Romeo and Juliet
My thoughts are with the families of the victims…
Filed under: Blog & Other & Stupid/Evil People
November 11th, 2015 → 5:16 am
“Virginity… ‘Tis too cold a companion. Away with ‘t!”
“To speak on the part of virginity is to accuse your mothers, which is most infallible disobedience.”
“Besides, virginity is peevish, proud, idle, made of self-love,
which is the most inhibited sin in the canon.”
“Virginity… the longer kept, the less worth.” – All’s Well That Ends Well
I’m reading All’s Well That Ends Well this month with my reading group. Act 1 Scene 1 is hilarious! The bawdy sex talk, the innuendo, the oh-so-strong condemnation of virginity. There is more in the scene than what is quoted above, but I’ve copied at least a few of the lines that brought a smile to my face.
November 4th, 2015 → 5:14 am
“Diseased nature oftentimes breaks forth
In strange eruptions.” – Henry IV, Part One
The weather in St. Louis is supposed to be in the high 70s today. In November! I can remember when it used to snow around now. I know weather doesn’t equal climate, but this warmth sure feels out of the ordinary.
October 30th, 2015 → 5:56 am
“What a fearful night is this!
There’s two or three of us have seen strange sights.” – Julius Caesar
Happy (one of my favorite holidays) Halloweeeeeennnnn!!!!!
September 14th, 2015 → 6:05 am
“There’s a divinity that shapes our ends,
Rough-hew them how we will.” – Hamlet
Is there though? It’s Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur and that time of year when even relatively secular Jews like myself celebrate things. And of course, I am introducing my son to it all as well – he was quite cute wishing everyone a happy new year after Sunday school this week. But why do I do it if I don’t even know if I believe? For the honey and apples? 😉
Filed under: Blog & Other & Self/My Life
September 4th, 2015 → 6:08 am
“The indifferent children of the earth.” – Hamlet
Who are the “indifferent” children in this quote, the migrants seeking refuge on Europe’s shores? Or the Europeans that are hesitant to take them in? Maybe it is both – as we are all children of the earth.
August 23rd, 2015 → 6:13 am
“Courage mounteth with occasion.” – King John
Three Americans (Spencer Stone, Alek Skarlatos, and Anthony Sadler) on a train to France up and took down a terrorist attacker, before he had a chance to do too much harm. How totally awesome. You just want to hug these guys.
August 3rd, 2015 → 5:16 am
“Why, what’s the matter,
That you have such a February face,
So full of frost, of storm, and cloudiness?” – Much Ado About Nothing
I am not a daily consumer of social media – twitter, facebook, pintrest, etc. – so I’m probably late to the game here, but I just discovered the phenomena of RBF – Resting Bitch Face. How horrible (yet another way to make women feel bad about themselves)! Having said that, I probably have a RBF. I’m a huge worrier, which can’t possibly result in my resting face looking like anything but a frown. 🙁 Sigh.
July 19th, 2015 → 6:10 am
“Honour, riches, marriage-blessing,
Long continuance, and increasing,
Hourly joys be still upon you!” – Tempest
We’re off to the West Coast for a family wedding. Newlyweds…they’re always so cute, and so naive…
Filed under: Blog & Other & Self/My Life