April 5th, 2017 → 6:02 am @ Lea // No Comments
“A friend should bear his friend’s infirmities.” – Julius Caesar
As I near the end of my latest convalescence, I appreciate everything everyone has done for me. From car rides to hot dinners to humorous conversations in bed, it has been heartening the myriad forms of outreach that have come my way. I really do appreciate it.
At the same time, this latest convalescence has reminded me yet again how difficult other people’s infirmities are for most able-bodied people to face. The problem appears to stem primarily from unfamiliarity, but there is also a distinct lack of empathy, and perhaps even a tinge of fear, wrapped up in the confusion as well. Whatever is going on, stemming from whatever cause, it has led me to write a short essay/self-help guide for how to visit with a disabled friend. It’s titled: “Please, Just Listen.”