May 3rd, 2016 → 5:00 am
@ Lea
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“O that this too sullied flesh would melt,
Thaw and resolve itself into a dew.” – Hamlet
Shakespeare has numerous quotes on suicide. Many of the best authors often do! I’ve been reading Wind, Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint-Exupery this week, and came across one of the most beautiful, accurate descriptions of nonemotional suicide I’ve ever come across. I quote only a part of it here: (for full impact you should probably read the whole thing)
“There was one time, however, when, having slipped, and finding yourself stretched flat on your face in the snow, you threw in your hand. You were like a boxer emptied of all passion by a single blow, lying and listening to the seconds drop one by one into a distant universe, until the tenth second fell and there was no appeal.
‘I’ve done my best and I can’t make it. Why go on?’ All that you had to do in the world to find peace was to shut your eyes. So little was needed to blot out that world of crags and ice and snow. Let drop those miraculous eyelids and there was an end of blows, of stumbling falls, of torn muscles and burning ice, of that burden of life you were dragging along like a worn-out ox, a weight heavier than any wain or cart.”