November 19th, 2013 → 11:51 am @ // No Comments

“Blow winds and crack your cheeks!  Rage, blow!
You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout
Till you have drenched our steeples, drowned the cocks!
You sulphurous and thought-executing fires,
Vaunt-couriers of oak-cleaving thunderbolts,
Singe my white head!  And thou, all-shaking thunder,
Strike flat the thick rotundity o’the world!
Crack nature’s moulds, all germens spill at once
That make ingrateful man!”  – King Lear

We lost our power as a result of the storms, and its only just now come back on.  Hallelujah!  In fact, on Sunday when the storms hit, I was entertaining guests and my son had a friend over.  We had all these people in our house and a ton of food ready to cook on the stove.  Then a number of us watched as a rather large tree branch fell on our power line, crashing it to the ground.  Next our big metal gazebo was dashed by the wind onto the tree branch that was on the power line.  It was so shocking it was funny at first, till I realized I had all this food going to waste and people still to entertain.  Our power is actually only half on right now (“half restored” they call it??), but thank god for that.  And welcome back my beloved internet connection!!

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