September 23rd, 2013 → 6:16 am @ Lea // No Comments
“It is common for the younger sort
To lack discretion.” – Hamlet
I always thought my husband would be the one to do it. To be there the first time my son peed standing up. But lo and behold, the opportunity presented itself yesterday on the banks of the Missouri River, my husband nowhere in sight, so Mommy stepped in to do the job. After a bit of fumbling (up, up, baby, not down!), a clear, happy arc my son made, with little discretion as to which stone, stick, or blob of river muck he hit.
Chris Clark
11 years ago
A moment that can oft be recalled whenever an extra dose of humility is needed (said the Dad of two teenage boys).
11 years ago
Two boys! You have your hands full. 😉