July 25th, 2013 → 6:55 am @ // No Comments

“See, sons, what things you are!” – Henry IV, Part II

Ah, what the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have to look forward to…  This morning, in the middle of our early AM cuddle, my son peed on me.  So much for a smooth potty training with no accidents!

2 Comments → “Raising a Son”

  1. Chris Clark

    11 years ago

    Yeah, kids lend a whole new level of importance to things like: stain resistance, washable and durable clothing, and commercial grade carpeting (two words: projectile poop). It’s definitely a load off once they’re potty trained.


    • Lea

      11 years ago

      projectile poop 😉 I’m not sure we had that one. We had some pretty runny/yucky diarrheas, and of course tons of spit-up and barf. My kid’s 3 and we’ve already had our couch cleaned twice since we got him. Next year we might just need a new couch 🙂


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