June 12th, 2013 → 6:19 am @ // No Comments

“My [sons] lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.”  – Romeo and Juliet

Putting my son to bed the other night he asked about his grandma, my mother.  I had to admit that she wasn’t around anymore; that he wouldn’t be able to meet her or kiss her good night.  Then I had to confess that the same was true about his grandfather, my father.  My son looked sad, a little thoughtful.  When we were done talking I asked him for a kiss good night and, to my surprise, he gave me three!  When I asked why he told me that one was for me, one for grandma, and one for grandpa too. Since our talk he’s been giving me three kisses every night now. And always they’re one for me, one for grandma, and one for grandpa too.

One Comment → “Kisses for Everyone”

  1. Chris Clark

    11 years ago

    That’s adorable


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