April 21st, 2013 → 6:20 am @ Lea // No Comments
“No profit grows where is no pleasure taken.
In brief, sir, study what you most affect.” – The Taming of the Shrew
Another semester is nearing an end. I can’t believe there’s only one month left of classes! Now’s the time I get the stray student or two coming to office hours to discuss their courses, their majors, their future… And one piece of advice that I really do think is true, is that you should study what you most affect (i.e. “enjoy”). Life’s not worth it otherwise.
Chris Clark
11 years ago
But if you can’t do what you love, at least try to enjoy what you do.
11 years ago
That’s the mark of a sound, emotionally mature person.
Chris Clark
11 years ago
I usually try to fall into that category. Occasionally, I even succeed. 🙂