March 15th, 2013 → 5:55 am @ // No Comments

“These tedious old fools.” – Hamlet

I have to say, I’m a bit disappointed the new pope is another conservative, old white male.  I also can’t believe what I’m hearing out of CPAC (the Conservative Political Action Conference), that the GOP lost the last election not because of the message they were preaching, but because they just didn’t quite have the right messenger.  No women’s rights, no gay rights, no equality and support for all – nothing needs to change there!  Aren’t these tedious old fools ever going to wake up?  And realize that the world around them is changing?

2 Comments → “Popes & Republicans”

  1. Chris Clark

    11 years ago

    Keep in mind that the CPAC represents the portion of the Republican party that is far to the right of that party’s voting center, not the fiscally-conservative social moderates that make up an increasingly large portion of the Republican party’s voting bloc. The moderates of that party do actually support social progress; they just don’t seem to be the noisemakers of the Republican party. Personally, I’d like to see the moderates from both the Republicans and Democrats split off and form a Moderates party, with the extremists of each group left behind. I know its grossly unlikely, but I can always dream.


    • Lea

      11 years ago

      That’s an interesting thought, a combination of moderates across the spectrum… I hadn’t heard that one before, and it would be interesting to see. I agree though, highly unlikely.


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