February 12th, 2013 → 6:51 am @ Lea // No Comments
“Give me a staff of honour for mine age,
But not a sceptre to control the world.” – Titus Andronicus
There are a few topics which Shakespeare seems to have written about a lot. Love is one, of course. War another. But perhaps surprisingly, old age is a third. There were a plethora of quotes I could have picked this morning to relate to Pope Benedict’s resignation due to old age. I finally chose the one that seemed most apt to this situation (if not the most recognizable, or from the most popular play). It relates the desire at a certain point in life to be honored, but at the same time relieved of responsibility. Even people I don’t particularly like (as in this Pope), probably deserve that.
Chris Clark
11 years ago
I recognize that this Pope has not been as popular as the prior one, but given the reports of Alzheimer’s like symptoms that have been coming out of Italy, I honor his courage in choosing the unpopular path of stepping down from the role, instead of lingering on and having the office run by folks who were not selected to the position.
11 years ago
Yes, it was a big decision, you’re right.
But did you see this absolutely scathing critique of his reign: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/12/opinion/farewell-to-an-uninspiring-pope.html?src=me&ref=general&_r=0 ? I was impressed with how utterly unqualified (in terms of unhedged) it was in its condemnation of him.
Chris Clark
11 years ago
I hadn’t seen that article. Gutsy move by the writer to be so blunt in his views. Personally, I think it might have read better if he’d provided more context and fact-checked before publishing. Seems to me that he could’ve corrected the inaccuracies and still made the points about which he’s so passionate.