
January 8th, 2013 → 6:18 am

“Close up his eyes and draw the curtain close;
And let us all to meditation.”  – Henry VI, Part II

I’m not all that good at relaxing, so for the holidays I was given a book on meditation.  I’ve read the first few chapters and mostly it seems to recommend closing your eyes, drawing the metaphorical curtain shut, and breathing deeply.  I don’t know if it will work to help me let go of my worries and angst, but it’s worth a try.  Here’s to meditation, and not just after a death (as in the quote above)!

Filed under: Blog & Other & Self/My Life

Beach Vacation

January 5th, 2013 → 7:37 am

“Come unto these yellow sands,
And then take hands.”  – Tempest

I’m on vacation with my family at the beach this week.  And my two year old son is precious; tightly holding mommy’s hand as he tentatively steps into the waves, and then, suddenly backtracking into the sand to demolish daddy’s sand castle instead.  I’m just adoring all the running, hugging and hand holding that is going on here right now…

Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life


January 3rd, 2013 → 6:57 am

“Brother, she is not worth what she doth cost
The keeping.”  – Troilus and Cressida

It continues to astound me the amount of misogyny that persists in the world.  To be honest, before this recent gang rape in India made international headlines, I had no idea it was as bad there as it is, but I shouldn’t be surprised.  I am very lucky to have been born where I was born, and to have lived the life I have so far…not many are so fortunate.

Filed under: Blog & Stupid/Evil People

New Year’s Resolutions

January 1st, 2013 → 8:16 am

“Falser than vows made in wine.” – As You Like It

I’ve seen a number of Top Ten lists for New Year’s resolutions lately; they are all relatively similar and include things like:  lose weight, go to the gym, spend more time with family, enjoy life more, read more, get out of debt, get organized, etc.  Admittedly, I’ve made resolutions like these myself in the past, but you know what?  I still need to lose weight, I still could use to go to the gym more, I should spend more time with family, and I definitely need to enjoy life more.  Thus, I am not making any New Year’s resolutions this year.  So there.

Filed under: Blog & Other & Self/My Life