October 21st, 2012 → 7:17 am @ // No Comments

“All’s well that ends well; still the fine’s the crown.
What’er the course, the end is the renown.”  – All’s Well That Ends Well

I don’t know anyone who can’t wait for this darn U.S. presidential election to be over with already (expect perhaps the pundits?).  In the above quote “fine’s” means “end,” reiterating the point that the best thing now is for this all to be over with already.

2 Comments → “Just 2 1/2 More Weeks…”

  1. Chris Clark

    12 years ago

    Yes, I often think the campaign laws ought be more about limiting the amount of air-time (radio and TV) each candidate is allowed to get, capping the total value of mailings (regardless of location), and requiring each candidate’s website to be fact-checked by his/her opponent with no websites made available until mutually agreed to by candidates representing 75%+ of at least 3 polls (hopefully judged to be neutral parties–lets pretend that’s possible). I doubt that this would actually alter the amount of time they spend praising themselves and damning each other, but I’d appreciate having alternatives other being bludgeoned by the campaigns daily or retreating to sports for most of October.


    • Lea

      12 years ago

      Sounds like you’ve given this some thought! I haven’t given it as much thought except to say that, simply, I think TV time should be limited (if not outlawed altogether). TV commercials about politics is stupid.


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