September 25th, 2012 → 6:31 am @ // No Comments

“A kind
Of excellent dumb discourse.”  – Tempest

Shakespeare said this about the dancing creatures that bring a banquet to the shipwrecked king in the Tempest.  It reminds me of the one, precious hour of TV I get at night after my son goes to bed and before I fall off into helpless sleep myself.  In the last few weeks I’ve caught up on Homeland and Dexter and am looking forward to the new seasons beginning at the end of the month.  Here’s to relaxing with excellent dumb TV at the end of the day…

2 Comments → “TV”

  1. Chris Clark

    11 years ago

    Sleep, not write?! But sleep is for the weary. Oh wait, you have a two-year old. Carry on. 🙂

    Seriously though, my wife and I do the same thing with an hour of TV before crashing. Hope the semester is going well for you.


    • Lea

      11 years ago

      I’ve actually never been much of a writer at night anyway. I’m more of a Toni Morrison needs to watch the sun rise to write, kind of person. Regardless, my lack of sleep due to my 2-yr. old is totally my excuse for not writing, not always focusing at work, not everything!!


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