March 9th, 2012 → 6:00 am @ // No Comments

“I am nothing if not critical.” – Othello

I tend to come home from work and while making dinner tell my husband about my day.  I had never really noticed it, but I guess most of what I tell him is critical.  “This colleague pissed me off…this person cut me off in traffic…can you believe what so and so said??”  Jokingly he pointed out to me how critcal I am.  And he really meant it in a light-hearted way.  But now I can’t stop noticing it and I don’t like it.  So I’ve been coming home from work and trying to come up with nice things to say about everybody.  But – ha! – it’s hard!  I can’t believe how hard it is to come up with nice things to say about the world every day!

5 Comments → “Critical Tendencies”

  1. Chris Clark

    12 years ago

    Meh, everybody needs to vent. My grandmother used to say you could complain as much as you wanted as long as you were willing to say an equal amount of nice things. Honestly, I used to find that really annoying when I was little, but the wisdom in her approach has become more apparent to me over the years.


    • Lea

      12 years ago

      Yeah, my mom used to tell me to try and be positive too. She didn’t say it had to be an equal amount, but that I should just try and focus some on the positives and not just the negatives about things sometimes. I guess I’m trying to keep that in mind now – I think it’s easy to forget…
      Tho, at the same time, I’m totally with you about the need to vent occasionally!! That’s what blogs are for, right?!?


      • Chris Clark

        12 years ago



  2. Ryan Metcalf

    12 years ago

    Human nature is that criticizing others is soooooo much easier than criticizing ourselves, is it not? Good for you for seeking the positive!!!


    • Lea

      12 years ago

      Thanks 😉


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