President Obama

August 1st, 2011 → 7:24 am

“What an alteration of honour has desp’rate want made!” – Timon of Athens

I was always afraid of Barack Obama’s relative lack of experience when he made it to the White House.  And increasingly I feel confirmed in my fears.  He is a nice man, a smart man, but he isn’t a leader.  He has not led since he got to Washington, and he has consistently underestimated his opposition and been out-flanked by them.  He really gave everything away in the budget deal just announced – he lost his honor just to make any sort of desperate deal possible.  We needed a leader in 2008 who was a little less idealistic and balanced, and one who understood the dirty fights of actual politics; too bad we didn’t elect one.

Filed under: Blog & Politics/Politicians

Speaker Boehner

July 29th, 2011 → 7:03 am

“O, that a man might know, The end of this day’s business ere it come!” – Julius Caesar

For the first time, I find myself feeling sorry for Speaker Boehner.  He apparently really doesn’t have the Tea Party members in line on this debt ceiling legislation.  I heard he tried to bribe them with pizza, and has done everything from threatening to cajoling to begging.  I imagine he hasn’t slept much in the past few days and, like the rest of us, just wishes he knew how this whole business would turn out already!

Filed under: Blog & Politics/Politicians


July 23rd, 2011 → 7:08 am

“Why, this is very midsummer madness.” – Twelfth Night

I couldn’t decide this morning whether I wanted to write about the Midwest’s record-breaking heat wave, or the incomprehensible budget talks in Washington.  And then, I came across this quote that applied equally well to both!  I can’t believe this unyielding 100+ degree heat, and as well, I can’t believe the infantile behavior of our politicians in Washington.  Sigh.  I pray both trends break soon…

Filed under: Blog & Other & Politics/Politicians

Elizabeth Warren

July 19th, 2011 → 7:28 am

“The poor wren,
The most diminutive of birds, will fight,
Her young ones in her nest, against the owl.”  – Macbeth

Elizabeth Warren was passed over to run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  That is a shame.  Warren would have fought, and hard, to protect U.S. consumers from abusive financial practices.  Here’s hoping former Ohio attorney general Richard Cordray has the fight in him as well.

Filed under: Blog & Politics/Politicians

Debt Crisis Back-up Plan

July 16th, 2011 → 6:54 am

“A thought which, quarter’d, hath but one part wisdom and ever three parts coward.” – Hamlet

I hear that President Obama is taking Mitch McConnell’s back-up plan for raising the debt ceiling seriously.  Bummer.  The plan is only one part wisdom (the avoiding default part), and three parts coward by the Republicans.

Filed under: Blog & Economics/Money & Politics/Politicians

Debt Talks / Al Pacino

July 12th, 2011 → 7:16 am

“Talkers are no good doers.” – Richard III

Last night I watched a great documentary by Al Pacino on playing Shakespeare’s Richard III.  It was great fun watching him dissect some of the famous lines and scenes, as well as try to get teenagers in Central Park to go and see a Shakespeare play.  I was watching it, thinking, what quote could I use for today’s blog post?  And then, lo and behold, this one came up, which also perfectly described the posturing budget talks currently taking place in Washington, D.C.  If all the craziness on Capitol Hill is driving you insane, rent Pacino’s movie, it’ll at least take your mind off things for a little while…

Filed under: Blog & Literature/Theatre/Art & Politics/Politicians


July 3rd, 2011 → 7:48 am

“Foolery…does walk about the orb like the sun; it shines everywhere.” – Twelfth Night

I have no particularly pertinent quote for the day, so I thought I’d just add one that seems to apply all the time!  To politicians, to colleagues, to friends, to family members, to myself.  Ah, the foolish things we do, every day…

Filed under: Blog & Economics/Money & Other & Politics/Politicians & Self/My Life & Stupid/Evil People

Debt Ceiling

June 30th, 2011 → 6:44 am

“In a false quarrel there is no true valor.” – Much Ado About Nothing

The Republicans and Democrats in Congress are posturing over raising the debt ceiling, when they both know it has to be done.  It’s a false quarrel and I’m sick of all their political posturing.  Get over it, compromise, and raise the debt ceiling already!!

Filed under: Blog & Politics/Politicians

Rod Blagojevich

June 28th, 2011 → 6:53 am

“Oh, I have lost my reputation!  I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial.” – Othello

Rod Blagojevich was convicted on 17 of 20 counts in his retrial yesterday.  They say he was “stunned.”  I imagine he is still more concerned with himself and with his reputation, than with what he did (or didn’t do for) the state of Illinois.  Uch.

Filed under: Blog & Politics/Politicians & Stupid/Evil People

Anthony Weiner

June 23rd, 2011 → 7:04 am

“Small things make base men proud.” — King Henry VI, Part II

Shakespeare’s commentary on Anthony Weiner.

Filed under: Blog & Politics/Politicians