July 25th, 2022 → 6:37 am
“Never was such a sudden scholar made.” — Henry V
Chapter 9 of Seeking Forgiveness is out, and it describes the experience of trying to find an elementary school where our interracial family fit in. Bottom line: it was not easy, and in the end, we were all schooled, not just my son. You can read more about it at the Before Ferguson Beyond Ferguson racial equity storytelling project.
Filed under: Blog & Other & Self/My Life
July 17th, 2022 → 4:46 am
“A little more than kin, and less than kind.” — Hamlet
Chapter 8 of Seeking Forgiveness came out yesterday, and it depicts a racist interaction I had with a real family member. Over the years that have passed since this incident occurred, I’ve come to understand a little more of the nuance behind it. But even with context, the interaction was pretty hurtful and inexcusable. Managing family – the love, the expectations, the disappointments, the support, the confusion, the kindness, the traditions – has been one of the challenges of my life. I continue to be challenged by it today. But perhaps the most important thing I have learned over the years, is not to give up. Love, understanding, and empathy are worth every ounce of effort.
Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life & Stupid/Evil People
July 14th, 2022 → 6:36 am
“The prize of all-too-precious you.” — Sonnet 23
In Chapter 7 of Seeking Forgiveness, out this week, a LEGO minifigure becomes the wordless bond between Miles and Rachel.
Filed under: Blog & Other & Self/My Life
July 13th, 2022 → 7:09 am
“O let my books be then the eloquence
And dumb presagers of my speaking breast.” — Sonnet 23
After a rather long hiatus, I’m back to talk about my latest novel, Seeking Forgiveness, currently being serialized in the racial equity storytelling project Before Ferguson Beyond Ferguson, but soon to be published in the fall. Stay tuned for more!
Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life
July 30th, 2018 → 6:51 am
“I spy entertainment in her: she discourses, she carves, she gives the leer of invitation.”
My third novel is at last complete. It is even more controversial than my last one, but it was important for me to see it through. I leave it as a legacy for my son, whose own remarkable life was the novel’s inspiration.
Filed under: Blog & Literature/Theatre/Art & Self/My Life
July 25th, 2018 → 5:21 am
“This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings,
Feared by their breed and famous for their birth,
Renowned for their deeds as far from home
For Christian service and true chivalry
As is the sepulcher in stubborn Jewry
Of the world’s ransom, blessed Mary’s son.
This land of such dear souls, this dear, dear land,
Dear for her reputation through the world,
Is now leased out – I die pronouncing it –
Like to a tenement or pelting farm.
England, bound in with the triumphant sea,
Whose rocky shore beats back the envious siege
Of watery Neptune, is now bound in with shame,
With inky blots and rotten parchment bonds.
That England that was wont to conquer others
Hath made a shameful conquest of itself.” — Richard II
This is the second half of the description of England in Richard II, and it is rank with anti-Semitism, disappointment, and contempt. England is great and blessed, feared and exalted, but also, in hock, prejudiced, and shameful. We all have two sides. Good and bad, ying and yang. England does too. Heck, Shakespeare himself did. We all do. It behooves us to face this truth sometimes, and not be selective about it.
Filed under: Blog & Literature/Theatre/Art & Politics/Politicians
July 23rd, 2018 → 6:19 am
“This royal throne of kings, this sceptered isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for her self
Against infection and the hand of war.
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in a silver sea
Which serves it in the office of a wall
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.” — Richard II
I just finished watching Season 2 of The Crown. It ends with this famous quote describing England. And most commentators that use the quote today end it there. But the passage itself in Richard II does not end there. It continues along a darker vein. Presenting only the first half of this description is selective, inappropriate even, as it presents only a shining image of England. But – like most things in life – there is another side. I’ll quote that other side in my next post…
Filed under: Blog & Literature/Theatre/Art & Politics/Politicians
July 13th, 2018 → 6:11 am
In this time of increasing transatlantic tensions, I thought I’d offer a quote that reminds us to value our friendships.
Filed under: Blog & Politics/Politicians
July 7th, 2018 → 7:39 am
The first reviews are in of Tom Hanks as Falstaff, and apparently they are glowing! Of particular note are his insults, including “bull’s pizzle” said with a mouthful of spit and invective. Sure wish I could see this up on the stage for myself.
“bull’s pizzle,” by the way, is a 16th century flogging instrument made from a bull’s penis
Filed under: Blog & Literature/Theatre/Art
July 1st, 2018 → 7:15 am
“Ware pencils, ho!” – Love’s Labour’s Lost
I just spent the past two hours struggling with but one paragraph of my current novel. Damn the intro to chapter 7, curse the writing life, bugger this voracious hunger to write, write, write. To all my fellow authors out there: Never Give Up!!
Filed under: Blog & Literature/Theatre/Art