June 8th, 2014 → 6:49 am
“Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.” – Antony and Cleopatra
I noticed at the grocery checkout aisle that Hillary Clinton is on the cover of People magazine this week. If that doesn’t imply she IS running for president, I don’t know what does.
Filed under: Blog & Politics/Politicians
June 5th, 2014 → 6:03 am
“He would drown the stage with tears,
And cleave the general ear with horrid speech,
Make mad the guilty and appal the free,
Confound the ignorant, and amaze indeed
The very faculties of eyes and ears.” – Hamlet
Egypt’s brave satirical comedian has finally succumbed to the death threats and agreed to go off the air. It is a sad day.
Filed under: Blog & Literature/Theatre/Art & Politics/Politicians
June 3rd, 2014 → 5:51 am
“How he outruns the wind, and with what care
He cranks and crosses with a thousand doubles.” – Venus and Adonis
Summer is here, the weather is beautiful, and my child loves playing outdoors. There’s nothing like sitting on a park bench and watching him outrun the wind…
Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life