February 5th, 2014 → 5:11 am
“What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen,
What old December’s bareness everywhere!” – Sonnet 97
And yet, it isn’t even December! It’s February for god’s sake, and we’re still enduring below freezing temperatures, gale winds, piles of snow, school closings, car pile-ups, icy driveways, and front doors frozen shut. I’m ready for this crazy winter to end already!
February 3rd, 2014 → 5:28 am
“A victory is twice itself when the achiever brings home full numbers.” – Much Ado About Nothing
Well I never expected it to be a shut out. Who knew Super Bowl XLVIII would be so utterly dominated by the Seattle Seahawks? The above quote is really about war, and how a victory in war is twice as good when the soldiers also survive and come home afterwards. But I bet the Seahawks’ victory feels even better accompanied by such a high score. Congrats Seahawks, though it was a painful game to watch from Peyton Manning’s perspective.