A Chris Christie Adage

January 9th, 2014 → 7:57 am

“Revenge should have no bounds.” – Hamlet

If this isn’t the polar opposite of Nelson Mandela and his approach to politics, I don’t know what is.  Which leader would you rather have?

Filed under: Blog & Politics/Politicians & Stupid/Evil People

A Belated Tribute to Nelson Mandela

January 7th, 2014 → 5:48 am

“The rarer action is
In virtue than in vengeance.”  – The Tempest

There have been a gazillion tributes to Nelson Mandela since he died about a month ago, so I won’t rehash his extensive history and important accomplishments here.  What I will do is comment on the one aspect of his personality which is most relevant to me.  In my own life, I often have a hard time forgiving people and getting past injuries and slights.  Mandela seems to have been able to do this to an astounding degree.  I find it not just amazing, but almost incomprehensible.  I hope I can keep his example in mind in the future when life (and people) try my soul.

Filed under: Blog & Politics/Politicians

A New Year’s Wish

January 5th, 2014 → 5:54 am

“Our loves and comforts should increase
Even as our days do grow.”  – Othello

Welcome back and Happy New Year!!  I hope everyone had a good holiday season.  I enjoyed Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas, but to be honest I’m glad to be back to the blog.  And glad for life in general to return to a degree of routine and normalcy.  No more ridiculously late nights (I’m too old for that), no more long travels (I’m too tired for that), no more heavy chocolate fondue (though that was insanely good).  I wish everyone love and comfort in the year ahead, and I can’t wait to start picking some quotes from a book I read over the holidays, Living with Shakespeare, by Susannah Carson. Much better than her compendium on Jane Austen.  Stay tuned…

Filed under: Blog & Other