
April 2nd, 2012 → 5:52 am

“Like a nymph, with long, disheveled hair,
Dance on the sands, and yet no footing seen.”  – Venus and Adonis

We’re back from spring break in Hawaii!  Eight days of salt encrusted long, disheveled hair; eight nights of dancing on the sands.  Our little baby was a real traveler trooper.  I don’t usually include photos on this blog, but heck, this one is too cute:

Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life

“The Moon! Mommy, the Moon!”

March 17th, 2012 → 7:38 am

“How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!” – Merchant of Venice

My son has his favorite words:  “Car”  “Airplane”  “Cracker”.  All of a sudden, he’s added “Moon” to the list.  Before he goes to bed at night he wants to see the moon up in the sky, and when he wakes up in the morning he wants to search for it again.  I’m not sure why he’s so enamored of the moon all of a sudden, but it is cute.

Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life


March 11th, 2012 → 9:23 am

“Wife and child,
Those precious motives, those strong knots of love.”  – Macbeth

Here’s to a Sunday at home with the family.  Too bad it’s an hour short.

Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life

Critical Tendencies

March 9th, 2012 → 6:00 am

“I am nothing if not critical.” – Othello

I tend to come home from work and while making dinner tell my husband about my day.  I had never really noticed it, but I guess most of what I tell him is critical.  “This colleague pissed me off…this person cut me off in traffic…can you believe what so and so said??”  Jokingly he pointed out to me how critcal I am.  And he really meant it in a light-hearted way.  But now I can’t stop noticing it and I don’t like it.  So I’ve been coming home from work and trying to come up with nice things to say about everybody.  But – ha! – it’s hard!  I can’t believe how hard it is to come up with nice things to say about the world every day!

Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life


February 26th, 2012 → 8:59 am

“Methought I heard a voice cry, ‘Sleep no more!'” – Macbeth

Actually it was the baby, up at 6am like clockwork this morning even though we didn’t get to bed till after 1am.  It was fun last night, but it sure doesn’t feel that way this morning…  yawn…

Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life


February 24th, 2012 → 6:49 am

“If sack and sugar be a fault, God help the wicked!” – Henry IV

My husband and I have secured a babysitter for this Saturday night.  Hallelujah!  I’m looking forward to some serious drink and food, at a restaurant that doesn’t cater to screaming babies!

Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life


February 18th, 2012 → 6:07 am

“The miserable have no other medicine, but only hope.” – Measure for Measure

I say this to the people of Greece, who are rioting in protest against greater austerity measures.  I say this to the people of Syria, who are fighting for basic liberty and freedom.  I say this to the citizens of the United States, who are desperate for a third party presidential candidate.  I say this to myself, whenever things are bleak, because it is true.

Filed under: Blog & Economics/Money & Politics/Politicians & Self/My Life

Mother-Daugter Love

February 16th, 2012 → 8:06 am

“Two loves I have, of comfort and despair.” – Sonnet 144

It’s my mother’s birthday today, so of course I woke up thinking about her.  About how much she used to comfort me when I was down, and about how much I miss her now that she is gone…

Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life


February 11th, 2012 → 7:54 am

“Though what they will impart
Help nothing else, yet do they ease the heart.”  – Richard III

A smart person told me the other day to write in order to ease my pain.  I’m happy to report that I found some time to do that yesterday and it worked!  I don’t know if I’m going to be able to keep it up in any kind of a consistent fashion – with a young baby and a full time job right now it is just so hard to carve out regular chunks of time – but if I can, I will.  The writing life is for me.

Filed under: Blog & Literature/Theatre/Art & Self/My Life


February 7th, 2012 → 7:37 am

“I am a feather for each wind that blows.” – Winter’s Tale

It’s turning into one of those weeks.  Where everything just seems to overpower me and bring me down.  Work, people, the internet?!?!  Nothing is that bad, of course, it just feels that bad.  Why is that?  And how can I make it go away?

Filed under: Blog & Self/My Life & Stupid/Evil People